HEAR Your Invitation:


Welcome. I am honored that you are here.

I invite you to take a moment and really land here. Be here. Feel your feet on the floor, feel your sitting bones sink into your chair. Take a deep breath. Now release it. Inhale again, through your nose feeling the air as it rushes past your nostrils, down deep into your lungs. Hold it for 3 seconds. Now exhale the breath fully through an open mouth. When there is no more air to release, pause to experience the emptiness, then allow a new breath to enter.

O.K. Now that you are more fully here, pause again. What brought you here? Today? In this present moment? And what are you wanting from this experience? Take a moment. . .or two. Listen. What voices do you hear? What are they saying?

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If you are anything like me when I first arrived, I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted.

But I knew, in that part of me that knows, that I needed something. I wasn’t even sure what that looked like at the time, I just knew that I felt lost and alone. Even in the arms of a husband I loved, holding the baby that I had always wanted. I knew that I didn’t have IT.

What I did have was this niggling feeling that something was missing, that there was something that I needed to do, someone I needed to be. I loved being a mother. I was a “natural.” Everyone said I was good at it. And, at the same time, I didn’t know where I was anymore, who I was.


In my darkest hours, at the height of my confusion...

...and the depths of my emptiness, I was honestly hoping that I would open an unexpected e-mail, randomly click on a webpage, or scroll to the next Facebook post and find IT. Whatever it was that would solve that slight feeling of dissatisfaction that I had despite my seemingly perfect life.

What do you need? Who are you at your core? Is there a hidden part of you that secretly wants to come out and play?

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I’m not here to give you answers.

I believe that YOU have all of your own answers. That they are right there, deep inside you, waiting to be heard, waiting for that spark of recognition.

My role is to reacquaint you with the creative, wise women who resides inside you; to facilitate clarity, compassion, and connection so that you are free to emerge from your current constraints, spark your inner fire and ignite into the full richness that is YOU. I create sacred time and space where you can feel safe to unearth, explore and release layers of conditioning and shame, should-haves and could haves, unconscious expectations and suppressed desires.


I offer you:

  • My calm, grounding, heart-felt presence.
  • The ability and desire to listen deeply and to hear what you are saying.
  • A heightened sense of intuition.
  • The capacity to create and hold safe, sacred space for you.
  • Creative practices and techniques that facilitate personal transformation

I believe that our world needs each and every one of us—as we are. Hurt, wounded, healthy, vibrant, insecure, secure, playful, dour, joyous, sad, lonely, connected, uncertain, certain, exuberant, hesitant, knowing, questioning—all of it; all of us in our full-blown, vulnerable human states. Can you imagine a world that we co-create by acknowledging, honoring, and celebrating who we really are at heart, connecting with others from that place of vulnerability? Where my open heart meets your open heart?

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At the root of our heart-centered world is...

...our own deep self-knowing and compassionate self-acceptance.

Are you ready to delve inside, to light your creative inner fire, to birth yourself?

Will you join me to create our world?

We need YOU. And I believe in you!